Cervical Spondylosis

The normal deterioration of cartilage, discs, ligaments, and bones in your neck is known as cervical spondylosis. Neck stiffness or pain are the most common symptoms. Physical therapy, ice, heat, massage, a soft collar, and medications are among the first treatments to be explored. Injections or surgery are used to treat more serious situations, such as a herniated disc, bone spurs, or pinched nerves.

Cervical spondylosis is a word used to describe age-related wear and tear of the cervical spine (neck), which can cause neck discomfort, stiffness, and other symptoms. This ailment is also known as neck arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Changes in your spine are a natural aspect of growing older. This deterioration of the spine is most likely to begin in your 30s. Cervical spondylosis affects nearly nine out of ten adults by the age of 60.
